Sunday 16 June 2013

Steps to optimize your Website

1]  Visit this url ---->' '

then Sign In and paste your website url ie. url of your home page. This is indexing. Google then will automatically CRAWL to all the web pages of your websites. Indexing tells Google that such a website exists.

2] <title> seo </title>

Text written in title tag is displayed by Search Engine. It is also displayed in the TAB. If you leave your title tag blank then your website will not be displayed in Search Results.

3] <meta content="INDEX, FOLLOW" name="ROBOTS"> 
Place this tag inside head section
Eg.    <head>
       <meta content="INDEX, FOLLOW" name="ROBOTS">  
The spider will now index your whole website.
The spider will not only index the first webpage of your website but also all your other webpages.

4] <meta name="keywords" content="SEO, Search Engine Optimization">
Place this tag inside head section
Eg.  <head> 
   <meta name="keywords" content="SEO, Search Engine Optimization">  
It's very important that you add the keywords you want your site to be found under in your KEYWORD tag. If a search engine spider finds the same words on your website and in your meta tags, these words will be ranked higher in the search index. Don't add too many words, the most search engines will only index the first 20 words. Make sure that you put the 10 most important keywords first.
Try to give each page of your website a relevant title, description and keywords that correspond with the text on your website. A visitor will find the exact information within your website, on the correct page.
Note: When user's enter any keyword in search engine it compares with this tag

5] <meta name="description" content="This page describes about SEO">
Place this tag inside head section
Eg.  <head>
   <meta name="description" content="This page describes about SEO">
It's very important that you use the keywords you want your site to be found under, in your DESCRIPTION tag. The more frequently a search engine spider finds a certain word on your website and in your meta tags, it values that word as important. Your site will be positioned higher in the search index.

6] Use keyword in image alt Tags.
 Eg.  <img src="images/passionate-codes.jpg"  alt="passionate-codes" />

7] Use  title tags to Image
Eg. <img src="passionate-codes.png"  alt="passionate-codes" title="Passionate-codes" />

8] <h1> to <h6>  and <b> tags have special attention.
 Note: Whenever you want larger font size use <h1> to <h6> tags instead of mentioning font size. This helps in SEO

9]Give name to images
   eg. seo.jpg instead of 1.jpg.

10] Use hyphen symbol  " - "  instead of  underscore  "  _  "   for page names.
Eg.   passionate-codes.jsp  instead of   passionate_codes.jsp